• pl
  • en



Sobota: 16:00 do 17:00
Pierwszy piątek: 19:00 do 19:30


The sacrament of Baptism (English, Polish) is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th weekends of the month. Because our parish family is welcoming a new member to our faith community, Baptisms will be celebrated during the following Masses: 5:00PM Saturday vigil Mass in English, 9:30AM Polish Mass, or 11:00AM Mass in English. There will be no private Baptisms.  Those chosen as Godparents must be practicing, Confirmed Catholics whose lives reflect a commitment to the Catholic faith and to the role of Godparent. Parents must register their child prior to the Baptism.  Parents of first children are required to receive instruction. The sacrament of Baptism (Spanish) is celebrated during the 4:00PM Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.  Guidelines for pre-Baptismal registration and instruction are the same for all Baptisms.


Program grantowy oficjalna strona fundacji Miasta dla Ludzi Community Grant Program wspiera projekty infrastruktury rowerowej i ukierunkowane inicjatywy rzecznicze, które sprawiają, że jazda na rowerze jest łatwiejsza i bezpieczniejsza dla osób w każdym wieku i o różnym stopniu sprawności. Przed złożeniem wniosku o dotację prosimy o dokładne zapoznanie się z poniższymi informacjami.



Arrange at least six months before time.

Anointing of the Sick

Urgent cases anytime
Arrange for devotional calls by calling the rectory



Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary at end of each Sunday Mass


Decade of the Rosary after Sunday Masses


Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7:00 PM in English and 7:30 PM in Polish
Gorzkie Żale on Sundays in Lent following the 9:30 AM Polish Mass